You are a PhD Student in France ? There is a challenge for you !

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Since 2012, most of French universities take part in the challenge “Ma thèse en 180 secondes”, which allow their PhD students to compete through a synthetic, original and understandable presentation of their thesis subject within 180 seconds. This challenge is a good exercise to improve your oral skills and to share your passion. And you can win up to 3000€ !

To take part in the challenge, a few criterias are required. The candidate must

  • Be fluent in French ;
  • Be enrolled for PhD during the current academic year, or have obtained his PhD during the previous academic year ;
  • Represent the university where they’re enrolled;
  • Have advanced enough in his research projetct ;
  • Have informed his thesis directors or financiers that they are taking part in the challenge ;
  • Represent the country for which they’re been selected during the international finale ;
  • Be enrolled in a university of the country they’re representing ;
  • Have never been finalist of a previous edition of the challenge ;
  • Only their university will be on the communication tools.


To prepare for the challenge, you can take part in formations organized by your university.

The website of the challenge can be found here.

You can have more informations about the challenge here.

To check if your university is taking part in the challenge, check here.


You can also see different presentations on the Youtube channel

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