The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation has specified the conditions for the organization of the start of the 2020 academic year. These new measures should enable higher education establishments to accommodate the greatest number of students. 'students in compliance with health instructions.


The ministry in charge of higher education specified, in a circular published on August 6, 2020, the recommendations for welcoming students at the start of the school year in compliance with health instructions.

Physical distancing, wearing a mask and barrier gestures

Different protocols are recommended, starting with maintaining "  a physical distance of one meter or a seat between individuals seated in enclosed spaces ", i.e classrooms and libraries, to the fullest extent. possible. If this provision cannot be implemented, wearing a mask will be "  compulsory in confined spaces  ". 

In general, adds the ministry, "  the wearing of a mask in teaching rooms is strongly recommended ", as well as "  the systematic application of barrier gestures", and in particular frequent hand hygiene, with "an adequate provision of the necessary materials and products  ”.


Sanitary measures in collective places

Face-to-face activities will be encouraged, under certain conditions which will still have to “ guarantee compliance with health instructions ”. This is particularly the case for libraries and university restaurants which will be “  open to users again  ”, always under conditions allowing these instructions to be observed. Likewise, in collective spaces, such as sports halls, prevention instructions will be in effect. Note, however, that the ministry recommends "  specific vigilance  " with regard to possible "  festive events at the start of the school year  ".

Prevention and support actions 

“  Health vigilance  ” will also be observed with the dissemination of information to invite students with symptoms evoking Covid-19 to stay at their home. Regarding access to healthcare, support actions for students will be reinforced, such as "  the continued use of teleconsultation, in order to maintain easy access to healthcare for students  ", as well as "  various preventive or facilitating measures access to care  ”.

Prevention and support actions

A student guide to help you prepare for your return to school

At the same time as this circular, the ministry in charge of higher education publishes a very comprehensive guide "detailing the measures in favor of students which will apply at the start of the school year  " assistance systems for finding accommodation and employment, social assistance, actions for students with disabilities, university catering, measures in favor of student life, etc.


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