Campus France Kenya celebrates the first edition of the France Alumni Day !

Pays concerné(s)

Launched on the initiative of the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Catherine Colonna, the first edition of the France Alumni Day will be organized by Campus France, which coordinates and develops the network France Alumni since its creation in 2014.

In Kenya, Campus France, in partnership with AFRAKEN, Soul Sisters Bistro, United States International University Africa and the French Chamber of Commerce will hold several events in Eldoret, Mombasa and Nairobi from 18 to 25 May 2023 (see the program below).


France Alumni Day program in Kenya


The France Alumni network

Created in November 2014 at the initiative of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, France Alumni is a global network of former international students from the French higher education system. It includes more than 370,000 members and 3,500 partners in 129 countries.

The Kenyan branch was launched in 2019 and has 169 members.

AFRAKEN (Association of France Alumni in Kenya)

AFRAKEN is a Kenyan association created in 2011 by Prof. Ambrose Kiprop (University of Nancy alumni). It has now 300 members.


For more information about the France Alumni Day, please contact:

Follow the main steps to come study in France

Publié le : 11/05/2023 à 13:37
Mis à jour le : 04/10/2023 à 10:59